Ácidos; Ácido y base; Acido; Ácidos según Boyle; Acido y base; Acidos; Acidos segun Boyle; Ácida; Acida; Acidos según Boyle; Ácidos segun Boyle
= acid, sour, tart [tarter -comp., tartest -sup.].
Ex: If the spot stays yellow the paper is decidedly acid; an in-between colour (green, grey, grey-green, yellow-green) indicates mild acidity; while if the spot goes purple, the paper is near-neutral or alkaline.
Ex: Throughout the book, the young are viewed with sour realism.
Ex: Season with salt, pepper, and pinch of sugar if the plums tasted tart.
* ácido acético = acetic acid.
* ácido cítrico = citric acid.
* ácido fórmico = formic acid.
* ácido graso = fatty acid.
* ácido graso saturado = saturated fatty acid.
* ácido láctico = lactic acid.
* ácido nítrico = nitric acid.
* ácido nitroso = nitrous acid.
* ácido sulfámico = sulphamic acid.
* ácido sulfúrico = sulphuric acid.
* ácido ziótico = thioctic acid.
* aminoácido = amino acid.
* bajo en ácido = low-acid.
* grabado al ácido = etching.
* indigestión ácida = acid indigestion.
* lluvia ácida = acid rain.
* no ácido = acid-free.
* papel ácido = acid paper.
* resistente al ácido = acid-resistant.